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Another Body Found

The body of Tiffany Creswell was found late last night in a shallow grave alongside the Yaksi River bike path by local youths on their way home from a rave.

Her parents have been contacted by police chief, Bertram Groves, who has gone on the record as saying, ‘The body has been formally identified by the family. We believe Miss Creswell had been placed in the grave last night, possibly moments before several Reachville youths found her. It is thought Miss Creswell had been killed elsewhere as we found no evidence of a struggle or her any of her belongings in the area’.

Tiffany Creswell
Tiffany Creswell

Mr Groves went on to say, ‘Her body was in a desiccated state and was something the CSI unit had never seen before, although there was one familiar trait, Miss Creswell’s little finger had been removed’.

Little Finger has returned, but his, or her, modus operandi has evolved.

The families of Jessica Baker, Cheryl Blaxley and Mazzie Rodgers are devastated at the find, and as the weeks pass, they understand the likelihood of finding the girls alive is slim. The CSI have no further clues as to their whereabouts. Tiffany’s body was in such a state that no evidence was find on the body that could tell the unit where to look.

Where are they?

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This is Craven Looney and Seamus MacBeth bringing you the news as it happens almost on time, every time.