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Little Finger strikes again

Today in the sleepy suburb of Reachville, another body has been found buried in a shallow grave. The young girl is yet to be identified as detectives and medical examiners continue the slow process of uncovering the body without disturbing any evidence the killer may have left at, or near the grave site.

Like 21 year old Sasha Dobson the body is wrapped in a Persian style rug. It appears the killer washes the body meticulously before rolling it up. Police have confirmed that the young girl is also missing a finger on her right hand.

The Reachville Police are knocking on doors asking for anyone for any information. Sergeant Groves gave a statement at 10.30 this morning pleading for any witnesses to come forward. He also told the press that a beat up old ford had been seen at the lot in the past few weeks and would like to speak to the driver to assist them with their inquiries.

Sergeant Groves also went on to say, “The young woman, discovered this morning by a resident walking their dog, had been buried at this location for some weeks. Any information you might have, no matter how small or insignificant you might think it is, please call me on the number located at the bottom of the screen. And I think at this stage, it is best to keep your daughters inside after dark. If you have a female friend or relative who has been missing for the past 3-4 weeks, please contact the police with her details. It might assist with victim identification”, he said.

“The young girl is approximately 5 foot 6 inches tall, Caucasian and has long blonde hair. Due to the amount of time the body has been in the ground, identification will have to be made through dental records and DNA”.

This is Craven Looney, seriously evaluating her life choices, bringing you the Reachville news almost as it happens, on time, every time.