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Little finger victim identified

Spending the last few days fighting tooth and nail for an in-depth interview with Detective Sergeant Groves, he finally called a press conference midnight last night.

“Tonight our medical examiners have provided us with conclusive DNA evidence, verified by dental records of the young lass found on Tuesday morning buried in a shallow grave in Reachville” he said.

“After informing the family, we can now tell you that the victim was Shana Renville of Mallow Groves Salsberry. She was last seen leaving a local bar on July 30th on Leech street, called The White Sands around 11-pm".

“Could anyone with information about Shana’s activities after she left the bar, please call the number on your screens. It’s another sad day for all concerned and our thoughts are with the family during this trying time”.

Having fought my way through journalistic incomers, I reached Detective Sergeant Groves just before he went back inside and asked, “Detective  Sergeant Groves, have they found any evidence that could link someone to the crimes”?

Persian style rug found at two crime scenes

“At this stage I can tell you that a few fibers were found in the twine of the Persian style carpet the young girl had been buried in that did not belong to the victim. Investigations are still underway, although, if your readers could take a look at the type of rug being used... Miss Looney... that would be of assistance”.

The local council came out and gave their stock standard, “It didn't happen in Reachville, it was only dumped here, get on with your lives” statement. However, Mallow Groves is only a suburb away and it feels, for this reporter, like Little Finger is working his way too Reachville, not his way around it.

Is all this dire news giving you a headache? Why not visit Mr Durango’s Delicatessen on Leaf Street and pick up a pack of Headache Begone on sale for just $3.99 this week only. Be sure to mention my name, Craven Looney, to get the discount.

That’s it from Craven Looney, still carrying her own gear waiting for Matt's man flu to move on, bringing the latest news almost as it happens, on time every time.