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Witch Hunters

On the brighter side, it has come to the attention of the Reachville community news online that there are in fact Witches on the hunt for our politicians, with MP Clandestine Meet identifying the horrifying truth.

Witch Hunter's are said to have the ability to freeze political donations and hunt down recipients with startling accuracy.  Justice Jennifer Starky has ruled that, “The application for the freezing order can go ahead for the MP, and will be heard on August 30th”.

Politicians susceptible to the freezing spell have been granted one month the get their houses in order, and will not be frozen until the 3rd day of September. Any attempts to install state of the art heater systems in any of their properties will be met with the full force of the law, and a double whammy freeze spell used only in an emergency.

This is Craven Looney, telling you how it is, almost on time, every time.